Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 13~ Stitches out!

I went to see the Physcian's Assistant, and she removed the soft cast, and I got my first look at my surgical ankle.  I already knew what to expect since I had this same surgery on my right ankle last year, but I was still anxious to see what it looked like.  Here is what I saw.
There was a lot of bruising from the tendon repair, and blood pooling that stained the bottom of the foot purple.  This can be permanent, that is one reason elevating is so important.  The stitch removal was slightly uncomfortable, felt like stinging.  I took a pain pill about an hour before my appointment, and it helped!  I then wiped down my leg with soap and water, and put lotion on the foot and around the ankle.  I picked out my fiberglass cast color.  
When putting on the cast, the PA slightly turned the ankle up and out, and raised the toes to get as close as possible without pain to a 90 degree angle.  I had to sit on the edge of the table and hang down the foot while the cast was being put on.  That causes pain, because the blood flows down, and swelling begins.  Also, the cast gets warm when being put on, so don't be alarmed.  It felt really good to get out of the splint, and get a new cast.  I was only taking about 2 pain pills a day, by this time.  One during the day, and one at bedtime.  My doctor also prescribed Vistiril to take with the pain meds to help with nausea and itching.  This helped me relax and sleep a little, then it didn't seem to help at all.  I guess my body got used to it.  Sleeping was really uncomfortable, and I did not sleep much.  When it itched, I would try to get up and move around, and this took my mind off the itching.  It is difficult being in a cast, but it won't last forever.  

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