Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cast Away

At my four week appointment, I finally got the cast off.  It was only on two weeks. but it felt like forever.  I brought my Aircast boot, hoping he would let me use that instead of a cast.  He agreed to let me use the boot, if I promised not to bear weight, and only take it off to move ankle back and forth and for showering.  I had to sleep in it, but it was so much better than the cast.  I could shave my legs and put lotion on my leg.  I use Lubriderm Advanced therapy to hydrate my skin again.  The skin looked really dry and dark, with the skin peeling off in the shower each day.  Once the scab fell off the incision, I was allowed to use vitamin E to massage the scar.  This helps healing, and the massage helps prevent adhesions.  It felt weird to have it out of the cast, but so wonderful.  I fell off my knee scooter onto my boot two days after, and it hurt, but I was okay.  The air pockets inside the boot really hold the ankle still.  The only problem I had while wearing the Aircast Boot, was trying to remember not to get up and walk.  I was in the boot for a couple months before my surgery, so I had to keep reminding myself to keep the foot up.  Doctor set my return appointment for 3.5 weeks, and then I will begin walking if all looks well!  I noticed lots of tingling and burning sensations in the foot, and the doctor said that around the 8 week mark, the nerves begin to awaken.  When I begin to put weight on the foot, and move around it should lessen.  I noticed that when the blood flows to it, it stings and burns pretty bad, and turns a blackish purple color.  This is normal!  It used to freak me out the first time, because I notice it the most while showering, and the itching, stinging feeling is annoying.  I know that it will get better in time.  Next time, I will talk about taking those first steps!

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