Monday, November 30, 2015

Finding out I need Peroneal Tendon Subluxation surgery again!

I had this surgery in September 2014, on my right ankle.  I read every post and blog I could get my hands on, and I still was not prepared for this difficult surgery.  I found out that I was born with no grooves in my ankles, and my tendons had nothing to hold them in place.  My right ankle started out of nowhere, no injury, just pain.  I went to several doctors before learning that my tendons were subluxing.  After recovering from the first surgery, the doctor said to be careful with the left one, since I have no grooves it could happen to the left ankle.  Well, in June 2015, I felt the same thing happen again in my left ankle.  I did not want to have the surgery again, so I tried everything possible to avoid the surgery.  I wish now that I had not waited,  because I have been in a boot and off my foot for so long.  The doctor examined my ankle, and then asked what took me so long to come in?  I told I didn't want to go through the surgery again.  He said that it was necessary, or it would shred the tendons.  I scheduled the surgery for a month later to give me time to prepare mentally, and get things needed to help me while nonweight bearing.  In my next post, I will talk about the things I did to get ready, and purchases I made that made my life easier.

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